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bear call read
买权看空价差  detail>>
bear put read
卖权看空价差  detail>>
bear call spread
买权看空价差 熊市购进认购期权跨价组合  detail>>
bull call read
买权看多价差  detail>>
long butterfly call read
买入碟式买权价差  detail>>
read system call
读入系统调用  detail>>
short butterfly call read
卖出碟式买权价差  detail>>
a bear
一只熊  detail>>
be a bear for
有精力  detail>>
 vt.  1.支,支持;背,负担,负载,负荷;承担(责任等)。 2.携带;运,运走〔除成语外,现多用 carry 〕;引导。 3.具有(名声等),带...  detail>>
bear in on
给……印象  detail>>
bear in with
驶向  detail>>
bear is
熊岛群岛  detail>>
bear on
对…产生影响 对施加影响 对…施加影响;有关 施加压力 压在…上,倚靠,影响 影响…  detail>>
bear to
移向  detail>>
bear with
宽容;耐心等待 忍受,容忍  detail>>
对……有影向  detail>>
of the bear
熊的  detail>>